Join the conversation around the current status of voting rights in Texas at this flagship event produced by the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project in honor of their 50th anniversary.
市区的校园有许多引文管理器. 哪一个适合你? This workshop will explain what a citation manager is and how it can help you organize your citations, 写论文时插入引文, 生成参考书目. 如果您计划参加我们的动手Endnote®, Zotero®, 或BibTeX®/ LaTex®研讨会, 我们建议您从这个概述开始.
虚拟事件Join us for a recital featuring a variety of Hispanic music from Spain and Latin America. The evening’s entertainment will include pieces by 世界杯官方app faculty, 世界杯官方app流浪乐队Los Paisanos, and special guest artists including the director of Texas A&M国际大学的国际流浪乐队.
世界杯官方app演奏厅加入博士. 瑞秋·伊冯·克鲁兹, 墨西哥裔美国人研究助理教授, for an interactive discussion on how music can challenge patriarchy, 性别歧视, and colonialism through a guided discussion and live acoustic performance.
4楼会议厅.04.22),约翰和平图书馆,主校区在这个实践工作坊中, 参与者将学习如何设置EndNote库, 保存参考文献和pdf文件, 并自动创建和编辑书目. Attendees are encouraged, but not required, to have EndNote already installed on a personal computer.
虚拟事件Are you required to use LaTeX for writing your research papers? This workshop is divided into two parts: an introduction to Zotero, 引文管理工具, 并展示了Overleaf的特点, 一个免费的在线LaTeX编辑器.
虚拟事件Come listen to the 犹他爵士乐团 at a free event.